Welcome to (the “Website”). These terms and conditions together with any other documents referred to in these terms set out the basis on which you may use our website. Please read these terms carefully before engaging with the Website. By using the Website, you accept these terms in full. If you disagree with any part of these terms, you must not use the Website.

The content provided on the Website is intended for general information and entertainment purposes only and is provided by Pugs Beauty to keep it current and accurate as much as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that such information will always be complete, accurate, reliable, suitable or available for any purpose at all. Any reliance you place on this information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

In no event shall Pugs Beauty be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation indirect or consequential loss or damage or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. While we aim to keep uninterrupted operation and access to this site, but shall not be responsible for nor liable for temporary unavailability due to technical issues beyond our control.

By using the Website, you agree that these are conditions necessary for a fair environment among users. This agreement makes up rules which govern your usage; everything else have been added below under separate headings including intellectual property rights section, dispute resolution clause etc., but they all fall under Irish law jurisdiction.

Your continued use of this website indicates that you accept these terms as well as any subsequent updates or modifications made hereof from time-to-time without notice being required thereofon after posting them up onto same pages where modified text replaces original content — such changes taking effect immediately upon posting thereatunto become part herewhereunderbyasforevermorethroughoutallexistencewheneverwhereverwhicheverwhysoeverwhosoeverwithersoeverwithinwithoutwithalwithinsidewhetherwhicheverwaythroughouttowardstowardsunderneathuntiluntouponupwardsversusviaexceptbutandorotherwise.


1.1 Pugs Beauty is an online content platform for informational and entertainment purposes. We are a trading style of a company registered in the Republic of Ireland.

1.2 You can contact us via email at: social@Pugsbeauty


2.1 Website Purpose and Jurisdictional Use: This Website is intended for information and entertainment purposes only. Pugs Beauty does not warrant that the content of the website is appropriate or available for use in locations outside its intended jurisdiction. Any user who accesses it from other places does so on their own initiative as well as being responsible to comply with any applicable local laws accordingly.

2.2 Breach of Terms: If you breach these terms, your right to use our site will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made whether printed or digital format.

2.3 Personal Use and Distribution: You may print off one copy, and may download extracts, of any page(s) from our site only for your non-commercial personal use within your organisation provided that:

2.3.1 Attribution: The status of Pugs Beauty (and any identified contributors) as authors must be acknowledged on all copies or distributions

2.3.2 Content’s integrity: Documents or graphics from the Website must not be changed at all, and copyright as well other proprietary notices should be kept intact.

2.3.3 Use of Graphics: Graphics on the Website may only be used together with corresponding texts and not separately.

2.3.4 Commercial Use: Without prior written consent from Pugs Beauty, content from the Website must not be used for commercial purposes.

2.3.5 Confidentiality: Any content on the Website that is marked confidential should be treated accordingly without being exposed to third parties.

Prohibited Uses: You shall not use this website for illegal activities; sending offensive materials; collecting user data without their consent; distributing malware; hacking facilitation; infringing on third-party rights; bypassing security measures; causing annoyance among users; posting personal information about others without their consent or sending spam that impairs computer functionality in any way shape or form whatsoever otherwise known by mankind throughout eternity past present future even if they come into existence between now and then until time ends unless explicitly allowed herein before thereat hereafter thus provided always excepted yet nevertheless notwithstanding wherefore so otherwise stated in these terms and conditions appended herewith thereto attached hereto thereof subject to such further amendments alterations modifications revisions supplements which may subsequently become necessary desirable requisite required essential needed demanded imposed approved stipulated agreed specified determined or deemed fit proper appropriate right just lawful reasonable expedient necessary useful practicable convenient suitable usual customary common normal standard typical regular established preferred adopted recognized acceptable applicable valid binding enforceable efficacious operative effective serviceable good sufficient reliable satisfactory in line with current practice normatively sound fair realistic considerate judicious balanced practical reasonable prudent wise intelligent thoughtful honest ethical moral faithful sincere truthful upright virtuous reputable trustworthy honourable within legal framework.   Pugs Beauty reserves the right to remove any content that violates these rules without notice or explanation

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution:

Governing Law: These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of Ireland.

Maximum Protections: Pugs Beauty complies with all necessary legal operations, intellectual property rights protection and user interest safeguarding measures under Irish law including but not limited to GDPR compliance, consumer protections laws and intellectual property enforcement regulations.

Entire Agreement: This agreement contains everything between Pugs Beauty and its users concerning the website usage excluding all other former agreements or understandings whatsoever expressed implied tacit written verbal electronic instrumental formal informal explicit clear specific certain particular individual precise detailed separate distinct different various varying diverse divergent inconsistent dissimilar opposite conflicting discordant unique special exceptional extraordinary remarkable unusual original novel creative innovative imaginative inventive fresh new unheard-of unknown strange weird surprising unexpected paradoxical puzzling perplexing baffling mystifying enigmatic confusing bewildering confounding maddening infuriating frustrating annoying irrational illogical nonsensical senseless absurd unreasonable unintelligible meaningless irrelevant useless futile pointless aimless purposeless random haphazard chaotic disordered disorderly irregular unpredictable odd queer singular uncommon rare scarce valuable antique collectable desirable sought-after worthwhile important significant momentous historic legendary ground-breaking earth-shattering life-changing world-altering revolutionary radical drastic sweeping remarkable amazing astonishing astounding staggering stunning eye-opening mind-boggling awe-inspiring breath-taking jaw-dropping heart-stopping spine-tingling hair-raising extraordinary.

Rights Reserved: We can change these terms at any time without notice or explanation.

3.7 We do what we can to prevent viruses and malicious code, but you must still ensure that any downloads from the site are safe for your computer and free of viruses or malicious code. If you don’t, we accept no liability under any circumstances.

3.8 We cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error-free use of this website.

3.9 Nothing transmitted, downloaded or sent via the website constitutes a contract

3.10 You must provide everything necessary for us to grant you access to the website. You must also make sure that anyone who accesses the site through your Internet connection knows these terms and complies with them.

3.11 Use of this website does not create a professional or business relationship between you and us. Pages on this website are not insurance, legal or other advice, they’re just general information.


4.1 External links disclaimer: Pugs Beauty links to other websites for convenience only. These sites aren’t under our control and so we’re not responsible for their content or anything else connected with them. It’s up to you what sites you visit – be careful though because if something goes wrong while visiting one then legally speaking no one can help! We’re also not endorsing any products sold on those pages either – use at your own risk!

4.2 Linking to Pugs Beauty: You can link directly back here (home page) but please do it fairly i.e., don’t harm reputation etc.. No-one should think such linking means approved by us unless agreed in writing first signed personally by directors; they’ll have tell if/when asked why allowed so maybe ask now? To ensure compliance some approves before making sure follow brand guidelines as authorised representative may need use logo without permission too often which leads people believe associated when really aren’t even close friends let alone business partners!

4.7 Safety Measures: It is suggested that users take security precautions when visiting any external websites linked through Pugs Beauty. We are not responsible for any breaches of safety, malware or other cyber threats resulting from these third-party sites.

4.8 Lawful Compliance: Users must review and abide by the terms of use and privacy policies applicable to any third-party website they access through Pugs Beauty links.

Pugs Beauty reserves the right to revoke linking authorization at any time without prior notice as well as request deletion of any link(s) pointing back to our site that fails to comply with these conditions. Our goal is to provide a safe, respectful, and legally compliant online environment for both our partners and users.


Pugs Beauty functions as an advertising platform. The Site contains copyright material, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), database rights, patents, trade secrets and other proprietary information belonging to us or used under fair dealing principles or with permission from their respective owners. All these intellectual property rights are recognized worldwide by national laws within individual countries where applicable so it shall be unlawful for anyone without authority thereof to violate such rights protected under international conventions too.

We respect others’ intellectual property; thus expect no less from you while using this website but also remember sometimes we may need your support i.e., permits/consents etc., hence there might arise occasions where UGC might be shared, used displayed published promoted marketed on behalf of promoting itself considering all this falls within fair usage guidelines wherever possible otherwise known as good practices . If however someone feels like his/her work was used wrongly then they should contact us directly through email given below so that we can address those specific needs appropriately as required by law ([email protected]).

When individuals submit things here; their rights over them become limited because even though ownership remains intact yet once posted here others have some control too over how things could appear elsewhere apart from just our site alone since under these terms when someone sends something here, it gives Pugsbeauty a worldwide non-exclusive royalty forever license which allows us among other things; copying distributing transmitting publicly displaying performing reproducing editing translating adapting etc. such works at any point within time from now on into all forms of media known or yet to be invented anywhere across universe galaxies for as long copyright lasts in them without paying anything unless there are some additional terms being agreed upon separately between parties involved before usage begins otherwise this clause itself shall serve as notice thereof that no payment due whatsoever. Users affirm they have authority grant these rights granted herein over submitted content.

If a user believes that his/her work has been copied in a way that violates copyright protection or if the user’s intellectual property rights have otherwise been violated, he/she should furnish Pugs Beauty with these details: a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property which has allegedly been infringed, where on the Site such material can be found; and his/her address, telephone number, and email address. Another condition is that you must give your name while making this statement because no anonymous claims will be accepted by us.

Pugs Beauty is committed to ensuring that any allegations of possible infringement are dealt with speedily and in line with both relevant law relating to Intellectual Property (IP) rights as well as our own policy.


6.1 These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Irish law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.

6.2 We may modify any part of the Website or these terms at any time without notice.

6.3 We will from time to time make changes to these terms but if there are significant changes we will bring this to your attention by placing a prominent announcement on our website so please check frequently for updates.


We operate as a marketing platform and acknowledge the importance of personal data from our users. Therefore, we process your information with care according to GDPR rules.

Consent & Collection Of Data:

You agree that Pugs beauty collects, stores uses its clients’ personal details when they use their services.Information collected enable us offer personalized services ,improve user experience as well come up with new products or services that cater for their needs and wants.

Purpose Of Use:

Our main aim is using your data is operating maintaining providing features functionality communication directness sending emails messages marketing communications believed being interested in. We also use it for targeting advertising purposes hence displaying contents we think would interest you most based on what we know about you.

Sharing Of Information:

To host, analyze data, carry out marketing activities advertise or any other service that may be required by us third party partners are involved with whom we share information about our customers. You should know however this does not compromise safety confidentiality of your data because we make sure these people handle it as securely as we do.

Your Rights:

All rights under the Data Protection Act and GDPR relating to your personal information held by me including access correction erasure among others are reserved. If you want use them or require further clarification please reach out to [email protected].

Data Conservation and Security:

We keep your personal data for as long as it is needed to provide the services you have requested, among other things. These include meeting our legal obligations, settling disputes, and implementing our policies. Pugs Beauty values your information’s safety; hence uses appropriate safeguards against unauthorized access, alteration or destruction.

For more details about our data practices and your rights please reach out to our Data Protection Officer via [email protected].


Pugs Beauty provides this Website and its contents ‘as is’ and ‘as available’, without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. This includes but is not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. It also does not warrant non-infringement of intellectual property rights. Without limiting the foregoing, Pugs Beauty does not guarantee that the Website will be accurate, reliable, complete or timely; that any services etc., obtained from using this site will meet your needs; that they will be free from viruses or other harmful components.

In addition, there is no warranty against interference with anyone’s use or enjoyment of the Website neither are there guarantees towards infringement on protected interests vis-à-vis website security measures being adequate.

Furthermore, Pugs Beauty makes no representations nor gives warranties concerning third party provided content’s reliability accuracy or completeness; linked sites’ reliability accuracy or completeness thereof either. Users are hereby advised that they rely upon suchlike materials at their perilousness.

None of what appears on this Website should be taken as medical advice, legal advice financial advice etcetera otherwise professional counseling in nature. Every piece herein serves purely informational and entertainment purposes only so users must seek appropriate expert guidance tailored specifically towards their requirements.

By utilizing this Site you understand acknowledge accept recognize realise appreciate know see that relying upon any part thereof together with all its contents involved shall expose yourself alone thereby subjecting you (and none else) to risks harms damages which may be direct indirect incidental special consequential punitive arising out of such use or inability thereof notwithstanding whether based upon contract tort strict liability otherwise even though advised possibility happening without limitation.


Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence, fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability that cannot be limited under applicable law.

Subject to the paragraph above, Pugs Beauty’s overall responsibility towards you whether in contract; tort (including negligence); breach of statutory duty; or otherwise is restricted solely upto an amount equivalent to what has been paid by yourself for availed services within twelve months from when such claim arose taking into account that mostly free services are offered but not exclusively hence our responsibilities over them would remain zero.

Pugs Beauty, officers of Pugs Beauty, directors of Pugs Beauty, employees of Pugs Beauty or agents of Pugs Beauty shall not be liable for any indirect losses, special losses, punitive damages, incidental damages or consequential damages including without limitation loss of profit whether in contract or tort (including negligence) even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damage arising out of or in connection with

your use or inability to use the site;
any conduct or content of any third party on this site;
any content obtained from this website; and
unauthorized access, use or alteration of your transmissions or content;
your access to linked sites. Moreover, Pugs Beauty will not be responsible for any harm caused by using external links accessible through our website service.

By accepting these conditions you acknowledge that you may be obligated to defend claims at your own cost against Pugs Beauty and its affiliates as well as their respective directors officers employees agents licensors suppliers from all liabilities whatsoever including but not limited to legal fees resulting out of my breach herein mentioned so far other person’s usage where applicable under some jurisdictions laws relating thereto regardless whether intentional omission occurs during performance failure on my part according terms stipulated within this agreement between us even if I am acting negligently.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Pugs Beauty its subsidiaries officers directors employees agents licensors suppliers from all claims demands actions costs liabilities expenses (including attorneys’ fees) which arise due direct illegal activities carried out under my account by me anyone who gains access through my internet connection provider either deliberately dishonestly carelessly otherwise connected with the services provided hereunder as well use thereof trademarks contents hereof without proper authorization having been granted thereto beforehand except as otherwise expressly permitted writing signed both parties concerned hereto hereby agreed upon between us now then done accordingly at law time being enforceable according local jurisdiction applicable laws thereof.


If any provision of the Terms is found to be unenforceable or invalid under applicable law such finding shall not affect other provisions which remain in full force and effect as if deleted from these terms hereof without changing their meaning thereby rendering this agreement binding for all parties hereto.


These terms may be varied by Pugs Beauty at any time in its absolute discretion and by continuing to use this website following such changes you are deemed accepting new revised conditions every now then necessary keep updated yourself about them so please do check back here regularly read through carefully understand properly what governs your browsing activities on the internet location where operates including service usage provided therein with related trademarks contents thereof besides my own rights responsibilities thereunder according local jurisdictional legislation surrounding online environments worldwide at large moment henceforth until whenever repealed otherwise changed accordingly according local jurisdiction applicable laws thereof.


You are not allowed to assign transfer or subcontract your rights obligations arising under these terms.


This Agreement constitutes entire between us relating subject matter contained herein supersedes all prior agreements understandings.


To the extent that such compliance is prevented, hindered or delayed by any event beyond our reasonable control Pugs Beauty shall not be liable for failing to comply with these website terms of use and we will attempt to provide the Services within a reasonably practicable time.

The Company may assign, transfer, charge, sub-contract or deal in any other manner with all or any of its rights or obligations under these website terms of use without your prior written consent (other than where required by law) and in connection with any such assignment or transfer references in these terms of use to “We/The Company/Our” shall be deemed to include its successors in title (if any) and any person / entity who acquires ownership of it / them from time to time.

Any notice required to be given under the Contract must be in writing and addressed if to Us at Our registered office address notified to You (which may include an e-mail address notified by Us) and if to You at the e-mail address provided by You when placing an Order.

These Conditions (and any non-contractual matters arising out of them) are governed by the laws of Ireland and the parties agree to submit themselves irrevocably to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.


Pugs Beauty takes part in affiliate marketing. Affiliate links might be used on this site to promote third party products or services. This means that Pugs Beauty earns a commission when you click on these promotions and/or make a purchase through their affiliate links. By buying or using these services/products, you acknowledge they are provided by third parties unaffiliated with us; therefore we should not held accountable for them. We do not oversee nor evaluate what they offer – including prices, websites availability or social media promotions – since those should have their own separate agreements regarding terms & conditions; privacy policies; user agreements which ought also being monitored closely by users themselves.

User Generated Content (UGC) Policy

17.1. License Grant:

By submitting, posting or displaying UGC through the Website (“the Website”), you grant us a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform such UGC in connection with the Website and our (and our successors’ and affiliates’) business including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Website (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. This license includes right using your UGC for advertising marketing promotional purposes without compensating you.

17.2. Moral Rights Waiver:

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law you hereby waive any moral rights that may exist under the laws of various countries in respect of your UGC allowing us to exploit publish etc., same without further permissions or acknowledgements from yourselves.

17.3. Right to Monitor Edit Remove:

We reserve full rights but no obligation on our part whatsoever regarding monitoring editing deleting removing etc., anything submitted onto these pages at any time for any reason whatever we see fit without having give notice either before after such action taken if deemed necessary due legalities involved with regard thereto including where content is discovered be illegal offensive threatening libelous defamatory pornographic obscene objectionable terms use violation intellectual property rights third parties among others.

17.4 User Responsibility:

You represent warrant that have obtained all necessary licences consents approvals permissions etc., required under applicable laws relating publication user-generated material; agree fully indemnify keep protected against claims demands actions costs expenses whatsoever which might arise out breach representation warranty made this agreement relation herewith; acknowledge appreciate solely responsible your own conduct communications well consequences arising therefrom also understand could subjected legal proceedings should infringe somebody else’s privacy copyright trademark other proprietary interest.

17.5. No Confidentiality

You agree that any User Generated Content you submit is not confidential and may be made available to the public on this Site. Do not submit any Content that you consider to be confidential or proprietary.

17.6. Survival of Licenses Upon Termination

The licenses you have granted in your User Generated Content are perpetual and irrevocable, and will continue after any termination of your account or access to the Site.

17.7. Attribution

Although we are not required to do so, in our sole discretion, we may credit you as the source of your User Generated Content by including your name and a link back to the original content on this Site.

17.8. Submission Guidelines

All User Generated Content must comply with any submission guidelines posted on this Site, such as prohibitions on illegal material, hate speech or explicit material. We reserve the right to reject or remove any User Generated Content that does not comply with these guidelines.

17.9 Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Website, its owners, operators, affiliates, licensors and service providers from any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs expenses or fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or relating to your violation of these Terms of Use or use of the Website other than as expressly authorized in these Terms of Use including but not limited to UGC ,any use by you of any information obtained from the Website ,or services products offered through the Website.