
What’s the Best Training Style for Your Pug?

What’s the Best Training Style for Your Pug

  • Question of

    How does your pug usually react to new situations or environments?

    • Eager and curious, ready to explore!
    • Hesitant but willing to check things out.
    • Nervous and prefers staying close to me.
    • Super excited and can’t sit still!
  • Question of

    When it comes to following commands, your pug is…

    • A fast learner picks up on things quickly.
    • Willing but gets distracted sometimes.
    • Stubborn only listens when they feel like it.
    • Too excited to focus, but loves the attention!
  • Question of

    How would you describe your pug’s energy level?

    • Yes Moderate likes to play but enjoys resting too.
    • Pretty calm and laid-back most of the time.
    • A bit lazy would rather nap than run around.
    • High-energy constantly on the go!
  • Question of

    What motivates your pug the most?

    • Treats food is the ultimate motivator!
    • Praise and affection from you.
    • Playtime and toys loves a good game!
    • Anything my pug is happy with attention in any form.
  • Question of

    When your pug makes a mistake during training, what’s their typical reaction?

    • Looks guilty but quickly moves on.
    • Acts confused and seeks reassurance.
    • Ignores it completely, like nothing happened!
    • Gets distracted before even realizing it was a mistake.
  • Question of

    How does your pug behave around other dogs or people?

    • Friendly but not overly excitable.
    • Shy at first, then warms up slowly.
    • Likes to observe from a distance.
    • Super social wants to meet everyone!
  • Question of

    What’s your pug’s typical response to leash training?

    • Walks well with a bit of guidance.
    • Needs encouragement but gets there.
    • Pulls or refuses to walk.
    • Runs in every direction no chill!
  • Question of

    During playtime, your pug…

    • Yes Enjoys a good game of fetch or tug-of-war.
    • Plays for a bit, then lounges.
    • Prefers quiet cuddles over active play.
    • Never stops moving playtime is all the time!

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Huzaifa Shayan (Veterinarian/ Deep Researcher)

I am an experienced veterinary technician with a soft spot for pugs. With over a decade of experience working with small dog breeds, my articles focus on pug health, wellness, and nutrition. I love sharing practical advice to keep your pug in top shape and always happy.

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