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Pug Puppy Diseases: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Pug puppy diseases

Last updated on October 24th, 2024

Here’s an overview;

Introduction to Pug Puppy Health Management

Most Frequent Respiratory Disorders in Pug Puppies

Pugs – Skin and Allergy Issues

Pug Puppies and Their Eye Conditions

Joint and Mobility Issues – Pug Puppies have

Gastrointestinal Disorders – Pug Puppies suffer from

Problems Related to the Heart

Dental Health in Pug Puppies

Parasite Infections and Prevention

Vaccination and Regular Vet Check Ups

Nutrition and Supplement Guidelines for Pugs

Exercise And Mental Exercise Of Pug

Hygiene And Grooming Habits for Pugs

Relevant Illnesses To Be Concerned About Pug

Conclusion and Summary of Preventive Strategies

Introduction to Pug Puppy Health Management

Pug puppies are lovely and lovable, however, they also have some specific health concerns. Their maintenance is not something that is easy as it takes time to ensure their well-being. The most common health concerns include pug puppy diseases of the lungs, bones and also the eyes and skin. It is recommended to always maintain a balanced diet and visit a doctor on regular basis.

Important Highlights:

  • Respiratory Health Management
  • Keep an eye on the pug puppy’s actions to see if they show signs of trouble while trying to breathe.
  • Joint Health Management
  • Ensure that the pug puppy is not over weight to avoid melting the joints.
  • Eye Health Management
  • Look carefully at the eyes to see if they show signs of redness or swelling developed within them.

Most of these are easily preventable, and if treated properly, there is a good chance that the Pug puppy will not be affected by them.

Most Frequent Respiratory Disorders in Pug Puppies

Pug puppies possess a brachiocephalic structure and they will just invite issues like these:


  • Description: Over heavy snorting sounds while sleeping or doing casual activities.
  • Treatment: Obesity is an issue, but advanced surgery could put a solution if needed.

Aspiration Pneumonia

  • Description: Coughing and difficulty in trying to breathe will lead to high temperature conditions.
  • Treatment: Once again, antibiotics can do the trick and they have their own supportive injections to supply immunity.


  • Symptoms: If the pug puppy sneezes or starts seeing watery spots around the eyes, or running around the house, check for nasty substances.
  • Treatment: Try to avoid any further contact with these irritating factors, or take medication to remove them.


  • Description: Coughing up serious nasty stuff and lying around the whole day for a few weeks is not good for pug puppies.
  • Treatment: Any of these should be in order; rest and a good intake of antibiotics.

Final point boils down to let your vet decide. With proper evaluation of the current conditions, there is no doubt that timely medical attention goes a long way.

Pugs – Skin and Allergy Issues

Various skin and allergy problems are common among Pug puppies. These problems can also lead to a decreased quality of life and the need for treatment. Some of the common signs are:

  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Continuous itching and scratching
  • Alopecia (hair loss)
  • Flaky or scaly skin
  • Hives or rashes

Reasons for Skin and Allergy Problems

  • Food allergies
  • Environmental Allergies
  • Parasites (Fleas, mites)
  • Bacterial or fungal infection


  • Antihistamines for the allergic responses.
  • Applying topical ointments or creams in order to relieve irritation on the skin.
  • Medicated shampoos for infections or parasites!
  • Diet modifications in cases of food allergies.

Pug Puppies and Their Eye Conditions

Pug puppies are also susceptible to a few more complications, this time those that include the eyes as they protrude a lot and eye sockets are not too deep.

Corneal Ulcers

  • These can be caused by more than one factor including trauma.
  • Caused by bacteria and/or virus infection
  • Common symptoms: redness, tearing, squinting.
  • Treatment: Antibiotic eye drops, analgesic

Dry eye (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca)

  • This could be diagnosed as lacking tear production.
  • Symptoms: redness, discharge, rubbing.
  • Treatment: Use of lubricating download and anti inflammatory medications.

Pigmentary keratitis

  • The condition causes the cornea to have deposits of pigmentation.
  • Signs: The eyes have some dark spots, vision is slightly reduced.
  • Treatment: Anti inflammatory drops and in more severe cases surgery.

Routine veterinary preventative care is important for timely diagnosis and management.

Joint and Mobility Issues – Pug Puppies have

Specific attention needs to be paid to certain joint and mobility issues that pug puppies are known to have.

  • Hip Dysplasia: Solid hind legs are a must for bi-pedal dog breeds; this is further made difficult by this inherited disease of the hip joint which dislocates, causing aggravation and eventual arthritis formation.
  • Patellar Luxation: An issue whereby the kneecap moves away from its normal resting position.

Weight control is imperative in above conditions and stress on joints is alleviated on occasions of excess weight on a dog’s frame.

Surgical procedures are accepted measures for these instances because of their nature. Joint cartilage regression can be helped by precursor molecules (glucosamine). Having these influences has shown promise in years of research.

Gastrointestinal Disorders – Pug Puppies suffer from

Gastrointestinal disorders are troubling for the Pug breed also. In these instances, dog vomiting is usually observed, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and the dog being generally too tired. The earlier several factors could be attributed to a range of complications which could include issues such as food intolerance and infection & even parasites.

General Symptoms:

  • Throwing up
  • Loose stool
  • No inclination to eat
  • Bad with no energy

Likely Reasons:

  • Inflammation to certain food items
  • Infection of some virus or bacteria
  • Infestation by parasites such as worms or giardiasis.

Options for Treatment:

  • Intakes of water in large amounts
  • Antiemetic and anti parasitic drugs prescribed
  • Food habits modification: bland or hypo allergic

Ways of Avoidance:

  • Deworming after every three months
  • Getting the necessary vaccine
  • Not introducing new food too quickly and in a sudden manner
  • Clean environment or places where the animals are kept

Congenital ailments are common heart related problems in Pug puppies, in addition to acquired conditions.


  • Difficulties in performing basic tasks (Leaden lethargy)
  • Trouble with taking in air
  • Halting and forceful exhalation repeated multiple times
  • Loss of consciousness for some time
  • Increased pace or abnormal beats of the heart


  • Stringent medicines for heart
  • Medications to help remove excessive water in the body
  • Treatment: surgery if the defect is any congenital
  • Prescription of a specialized type of food
  • Carrying out regular vet checks alongside April monitoring


  • Having regular vet checks
  • Council of veterinarians in approaching the case with caution to prevent needless stress to the body – active but not too active.
  • Not completing vigorous tasks
  • Taking the animal to a vet immediately for any problems with breathing or coughing
  • Performing examinations of the animals on the genetic level in advance to mating

These above problems can easily occur in pug puppies owing to heart issues and therefore they need advice and guidance from veterinarians.

Dental Health in Pug Puppies

In order to keep their pug puppies free of dental issues briefly, they need to focus on dental health maintenance. There are suggestions on routines that are meant to strengthen the mouth and withhold plaque and gum diseases that can later lead to other diseases in the pug puppies.

Some of their common dental issues include:

  • Plaque and Tartar Buildup: They can be prevented through brushing teeth and even it is best to chew.
  • Gum Disease: Notable symptoms include redness and swelling of the gums, which is caused by bacteria beneath the diseased gum, and also half the bacteria is present indicating a problem in the mouth of the dog.
  • Tooth Decay: Please stay on the safe side; please have a veterinarian examine your dog for  care on regular basis.

Parasite Infections and Prevention

It is very few months old pug puppies do get parasite infected. These are parasites such as fleas and ticks, heartworms, and other intestinal worms.

  • Fleas and Ticks: These parasites cause skin irritation where they infest and infect the skin whatever can.
  • Heartworms: Mosquitoes are the main way of spreading heartworms which causes also damage to the lungs as well as the heart.
  • Intestinal Worms: A roundworm hookworm and tapeworm; they affect nourishment and growth of the puppy in general.


  1. Take the puppy to a veterinarian frequently.
  2. Get the puppy given parasite preventatives on a monthly basis.
  3. Maintain cleanliness in almost every place that the puppy lives in.
  4. Clean the stool immediately so that all the eggs and cysts are also cleared away which would otherwise serve as development and growth of new parasites on the dog.

Pug puppy diseases

Vaccination and Regular Vet Check Ups

Vaccination and routine check ups with a vet are important measures for an optimal well being of the pug puppy. Vaccinations given at an early age help in robust defense against the commonly occurring infectious diseases in pug puppies. First we consider the following pug puppy diseases which may occur at young age:

  • Distemper Virus
  • Parvovirus
  • Rabies Virus
  • Hepatitis Virus

Generally, all the avian vets would prescribe a particular schedule for vaccination based on the individual pug’s lifestyle and requirements. Pug owners should ensure timely vet visits for:

  1. Gaining insights on among Pug puppies.
  2. Identifying abnormalities at the earliest possible time.
  3. Giving follow up doses on an adjustment basis and more.
  4. Assessing dental requirements.
  5. Normal per blood tests and worms clearance..

Nutrition and Supplement Guidelines for Pugs

A balanced nutrition and a right supplement are integral in determining the pug puppy’s health.

  • Balanced Approach to Diet: Appropriate portions of protein, carb and fat should be fed to the pug puppies in an appropriately balanced diet.
  • Natural Ingredients: All preservatives, artificial components, fillers etc should be avoided and only food containing natural products should be picked.
  • Meal Frequency: To avoid degradation, aim for 3 to 4 small meals daily to make sure meals do not include the entire day.
  • Hydration: It is also vital to provide enough fresh drinking water throughout the day.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Meet a veterinarian to verify whether there is need for vitamin or a mineral supplement.
  • Probiotics: If needed, help With probiotics and cattle digestion and development, vet directed .

Exercise And Mental Exercise Of Pug

The pug puppy’s health can be preserved with regular exercise routines and some mental stimulation. Preventing exercises of such kind daily helps in providing a solution for obesity, which is very common for pugs, and also helps in providing heart health.

Exercise Recommendations

  • Short Walks: Pugs puppies should be taken for several short walks which should not total 30 minutes daily till they are older.
  • Playtime: Include fetch or tug games so that the puppy’s mind and body can be stimulated by interaction.
  • Indoor Activities: Employ toys and puzzle feeders to help keep the puppy active inside the house.

Mental Stimulation Strategies

  • Training: Have basic obedience training and trick training and make a game of it.
  • Socialization: Arrange for play dates with other dogs and allow the puppy to be taken about in different places.
  • Interactive Toys: Give the puppy toys that promote thinking and problem solving.

Hygiene And Grooming Habits for Pugs

Effective hygiene during grooming can also lower the chances of diseases occurring in pug puppies. These practices include:

  • Regular Bathing: Bathe the puppy with a soft shampoo that is safe for them. Do not bathe any more than necessary as this may cause the puppy to get dry skin.
  • Brushing: Seek to brush their hair at least of two times in a week to avoid matting and also to get rid of any loose hair.
  • Ear Cleaning: The best practice is to clean the ears every week with a veterinarian approved solution in order to avoid any infections.
  • Nail Trimming: Owner should make nail cuts to avoid over growth of toenails.
  • Teeth Brushing: Teeth should be brushed everyday with canine toothpaste in order to avert dental problems.

Relevant Illnesses To Be Concerned About Pug

It is important as well as helpful to be informed about any possible signs of illness in pug puppies as it can greatly affect their health.

  • Lethargy: The puppy has been more tired and inactive than usual. This is a worry as the puppy might be sick.
  • Loss of Appetite: A complete disregard of food indicates health complications.
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea: Diarrhea or vomiting occurring quite often is alarming.
  • Sneezing/Coughing: If a puppy has constant episodes of sneezing or coughing, it may suggest a respiratory infection.
  • Skin Issues: Skin that is inflamed, red, or even flaky can be an evidence of health complications which requires veterinary assistance.
  • Eye Discharge: Tearful eyes or any kind of fluid that is unusual should be looked at as it suggests eye problems.

Conclusion and Summary of Preventive Strategies

Vaccination should be done to the pug puppies as directed by the dog veterinarian so as to prevent certain diseases. Regular deworming is also necessary to help in avoidance of parasitic infections. Regular teeth brushing helps to avoid diseases of the mouth in pug puppies. Appropriate collars and harnesses are also important in avoiding respiratory injuries. The recommendations of the veterinarian should be sought whenever there is artwork necessary to pug puppies.


Article by: Dr. Sajawal Amin ( Deep Researcher )

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Written by Dr. Sajawal Amin (Deep researcher)

I am a pet lifestyle blogger who enjoys writing about the fun and quirky side of life with pugs. My articles cover everything from grooming tips to pug fashion, all with a lighthearted and engaging style, perfect for pug lovers looking to spoil their pups and enjoy every moment together.

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