
A Comprehensive Guide to Potty Training Your Pug

Potty Train Your Pug

Last updated on October 24th, 2024

Here’s an overview:

Introduction: Characteristics of Pugs

Tools and Supplies Required for Pug Potty Training

Developing A Regular Routine

Designating A Potty Spot For Pug

Sanctions of Encouragement: Positive Sanctions

How to Deprive Children of Destructive Accidents and Progresses Towards Deft Movement

Crate Training Your Pet Pug

Socialization of Your Pug While Teaching Them Toilet Etiquette

Managing and Addressing Advanced Commands Concern

Considering the Preservation and the Persuasion of the Good Habits

Introduction: Characteristics of Pugs

As the saying goes: ‘The pug is a comedian trapped in the body of a dog’. Pugs are often a package of cuteness and attention seeking behavior which in simple words means they are very affectionate, loving and playful. For the proper training of an effective pug, the owner has to understand the pug’s personality, which can be summarized by several main characteristics that are considered:

  • Loving: Pugs create the strongest bond with their owners and are very affectionate towards them.
  • Active: These dogs actively seek attention and engage in playful activities.
  • Stubborn: All pugs have a headstrong side which causes their owner to repeatedly have to train them.
  • Sociable: British Kennel Club defines questions without hesitation. Most of them tend to get along with animals and humans alike.
  • Alert: Pugs always seem to be ready to explore their surroundings.

Having an understanding of these characteristics will assist in the designing of a custom potty training plan for the pug.

Tools and Supplies Required for Pug Potty Training

There are several supplies one must have at their disposal prior to pug day potty training in order to be effective during pug day potty training. The items that are a must have for pug day potty training are:

  • Odor Control Pet Carpet Pad: The pet carpet pad usually absorbs all of the pet’s waste and provides them with a space on the wall to begin marking their territory.
  • Crate: Having a crate helps establish an effective routine while ensuring that the pug does not toilet in the home.
  • Odor neutralising Enzyme cleaner: A good cleaner that will need to be used is the enzyme cleaner because when there have been accidents, it means that pug has to have the odor eliminated.
  • Leash and collar: These are exciting and give the pug a reason to engage in outdoor training so one must wear them when stepping outside.
  • Pug treats: Treats should be used to provide positive reinforcement once pugs have been toilet trained successfully.
  • Dog Training Clicker: Clickers are small and compact, and they help provide an effective means of praise by being used in conjunction with the dog’s other commands.

All these tools will be of great help and aid in effectively and efficiently executing potty training.

Developing A Regular Routine

Routine building is emphasized as an integral part of successful execution of potty training. Set feeding schedules to enhance regular visits to the potty.

  • First thing in the Morning: Let the puppy out when you wake up.
  • After Eating: Make sure the puppy is taken out to relieve themselves after the feeding.
  • Every two Hours During The Day: Put up bathroom breaks after every two hours.
  • Before Sleeping: You may also take the puppy out before going to bed.
  • Using the Same Words Always: The same words should be used whenever the puppy goes for potty activities.
  • Puppies Can Be Treated Voluntarily: Puppy or treat the pet as they have managed to go potty outside on their own.

When good habits are instilled into someone, a proper procedure can be observed in the activity choreographed.

Designating A Potty Spot For Pug

Start with what you think is a reasonable area in the backyard or inside the house. It should be reasonably easy to reach for the pug puppy. Use puppy training pads or maybe newspapers in indoor areas. If we talk about the areas outside the house, they should not be crowded and full of temptations. Always take the puppy to this chosen place every hour.


  • Select a Position: Choose a spot away from the heavy human activities.
  • Please Put Up One: If the puppy is indoors, training pads should be utilized.
  • Frequent Visits: Take the puppy there after meals, naps, and play time.
  • Positive Reinforcement: When the puppy achieves successful use, reward him/her immediately.Potty Train Your Pug

Sanctions of Encouragement: Positive Sanctions

Potty training does not only depend on the instruction of pugs; if the owner is going to be successful, it’s going to use positive reinforcement strategies with a pug puppy. Rewards are to be given for correct behaviors once they are perceived.

  • Praise: The posture should be cheerful and verbalised with words of encouragement.
  • Treats: These can be given as a form of chocolate, which is small and usually healthy. These are given when potty attempts are successful.
  • Playtime: It would remain a conducive environment to allow some play for a few minutes.
  • Clicker Training: A clicker is meant to indicate what particular behavior should be performed, and thereafter, the desired food is given.
  • Routine: There is a chance that fixed times should be practiced followed by rewards for success.
  • Frequency: At the beginning, rewards should be given every single time, in order to build the habit.
  • Do not Reprimand for Mistakes: One should avoid any such acts at all to prevent weak, fear-based problems from arising.

How to Deprive Children of Destructive Accidents and Progresses Towards Deft Movement

Almost all persons who own a puppy or pug dog will understand that there are going to be a few accidents that are going to happen and which afterwards require time. This is when lessons should be encouraged best because this would be the time patience is required. Proper cleaning of the mess you created is performed quickly using an enzyme cleaner to get rid of the odour. One should never consider punishing a pug puppy in such cases of potty object training as that can induce fear in that baby pug.

How to avoid such environment and handles when it is tested:

  • Interrupt Method: The process tries to include the moment if one of these persons sees what is about to happen, step inside speaking firmly and take that pup outside to its desired place.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Offer rewards like treats or verbal praise immediately after the successful toilet event.
  • Be Consistent: Have a proper structure maintained at all times to avoid accidents.
  • Freeproom Slash: If no success is recorded in the above points, then limit the space the puppy has to move around.

Evidently, the importance of patience and consistency during periods of setbacks such as this cannot be overstated.

Crate Training Your Pet Pug

Crate training may be a useful configuration in terms of potty training your pet pug. To avoid such instances, please follow the steps below for your pug’s proper upbringing:

  • Pick the correct sized crate: Buy a crate that is just the right size for the pug to stand up, turn about and lie down.
  • Acclimatize the puppy to the crate slowly: When the pug has understood that the crate is for them, allow the dog to go into the crate while treating it as a game.
  • Put the pug to sleep in the crate regularly and at legible hours: After feeding the dog or when it is about to go to bed, put it in the crate.
  • Do not exceed the time the pug is in the crate. As suggested above, ignore the limit for the first few times when the pug is adjusting itself.

Socialization of Your Pug While Teaching Them Toilet Etiquette

As mentioned earlier, socialization plays quite an important role when training your pug to use the toilet. Exposing them to such situations makes it easier for them to adjust in the future.

  • Introduce Various Surfaces: Progress with their potty training while introducing new areas including grass, concrete, and soil.
  • Structured Interaction: Allow them to play with other dogs, especially during their bathroom breaks, but try as much as possible to manage these interactions.
  • Maintaining Schedule Rotas: Schedule potty times and provide opportunities for gross motor play that are similarly social.

Exposure to varied surroundings can boost confidence in your pug, aiding the potty training process effectively.

Managing and Addressing Advanced Commands Concern

  • Routine Availability: Defined feeding times and potty breaks should be strictly adhered to in terms of scheduling. Routine assists the pup in knowing specifically when and where to go.
  • Control and penning: Control measure for recurrent accidents is confinement in a crate or a play pen when not supervised. Pugs are known to resist defiling their resting spots.
  • Reinforce Positive Actions: Reinforce right timing when eliminating waste. Praise them and give desirable treats soon after for making the desired behavior.
  • Soiling Control: Accidental soak spots should be treated with enzymatic cleaners to get rid of the smell. This discourages the pup from stuffing a similar space.
  • Consult Professional: When such inhibition cases persist, you may need to see a registered dog trainer or a veterinary doctor to rule out any medical concerns.

Considering the Preservation and the Persuasion of the Good Habits

Establishing regular anti-scooting routines and providing accurate rewards are the axes of success in preserving and reinforcing good potty habits.

Maintain the times of feeding a pug puppy:

  • The puppy should be fed twice a day at set times.
  • It is best to take them out as soon as they finish eating or have been asleep for some time.

Say Nice Words or Give Rewards:

  • Say “good doggy” or give them something small whenever they go out after being potty trained to ensure that they keep going outside for other purposes.
  • Avoid saying anything bad to them; this only causes fear and would leave them confused.

Time Out Periods:

  • People should take breaks every two to three hours throughout the day.
  • Over time the time period between the breaks should be advanced as the puppy is maturing.

If It’s a Mess, Then Clean It Up in the Right Way:

  • Enzymatic cleaners are the best however it is not sufficient to use items that are enzyme based only. Please note that any remnants of scent must be eliminated.
  • Never get angry at someone for not cleaning up when the accident occurred.


Article by: Tawab Sukhera (Ethologist)

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Written by Tawab Sukhera (Ethologist)

I am an ethologist with a deep passion for understanding animal behavior, particularly in dogs. I spent years studying the unique traits and personalities of pugs, making him a go-to expert for pug enthusiasts. I bring scientific insights to the table, helping pug owners better connect with their furry companions.

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