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Pitbull vs French Bulldog: Comparison of Traits and Characteristics

pitbull vs french bulldog

Last updated on October 24th, 2024

Here’s an overview;

Introduction of Pitbulls and French Bulldogs

What is the Physical Makeup of a Pitbull?

Physical Characteristics of French Bulldogs

Temperament and behavior of Pitbulls

Temperament and Behavior of French Bulldogs

Exercise and Activity Levels: Pitbulls vs French Bulldogs

Health Considerations for Pitbulls

Health Considerations for French Bulldogs

Other grooming requirements: French bulldogs and Pitbull

Training/Agility and Socialization for Pitbulls and French Bulldogs

Living Conditions: Which Breed Is More Adaptable?

Cost of a Pitbull Vs French Bulldog

Which Breed is More Family Friendly?

Lifestyle Fit: Which breed is most suitable to have in your home?

Conclusion: Pitbull vs French Bulldog

Introduction of Pitbulls and French Bulldogs

Often referred to as American Pit Bull Terriers, Pitbull breed is dominant and robust some of the most powerful of all dog breeds known for their strength and agility. The French Bulldog, or Frenchie, is a compact and muscular dog with a sweet disposition and bat-like ears.


  • Type: Medium size
  • Coat Type: short
  • Energy Level: high
  • Personality: loyal, protective

French Bulldogs:

  • Type: small size
  • Coat Type: smooth, and short
  • Energy Level: moderate
  • Personality: sweet-natured, social

Potential pet owners will find that the two breeds have different characteristics with regards to physical appearance or personal traits. Selectin the suitable pet for one’s home requires proper knowledge about one’s selected breed’s traits.

What is the Physical Makeup of a Pitbull?

Fighting through their average intelligence, pitbulls have some form of physical features of significance that makes them stand out from the rest of the dog breeds.

Size and Weight:

  • The overall dogs are considered to be medium sized.
  • Most have a weight range of 30-60 pounds.
  • Growth: Grown-up, they measure approximately 17-21 inches at the shoulder.

Body Structure:

  • The overall dogs are considered to be medium sized.
  • The common dogs have a weight range of 30-60 pounds
  • The overall mature dogs have a height of about 17-21 inches

Head and Neck:

  • Dogs have thick suitable what can be described as flat head (fore) – frontal in shape.
  • Featuring a strong jaw which is also highlighted due to its prominent build.
  • An average neck-length or a median selected value neck-length can be evident.

Eyes and Ears:

  • Medium length head featuring a significant length of neck.
  • Ears: Ears play a huge importance in recognition of the breed, and so these can be either clipped or let natural with the highest point throughout the skull.


  • Tail middle portion is long but thin towards the tip section.

Physical Characteristics of French Bulldogs

French Bulldogs are small stout dogs with plenty of muscle. They can weigh anywhere from 16 to 28 pounds and measure around 11 to 12 inches tall when standing on their fours.

Distinctive Features

  • Ears: It is easy to identify French Bulldogs because of the unique large bat shaped ears that they possess.
  • Head: The head of a bulldog is large in size and has a square shape and a big, flat head.
  • Muzzle: Muzzle is short and flat which gives the head a brachycephalic (i.e., Short-nosed) look.

Coat and Color

  • Coat Texture: French bulldogs have short as well as smooth coats.
  • Color Varieties: Sure, they can also appear in a coat of brindle, fawn or pied colored skin.

Body Structure

  • Chest: Of course, a bulldog has a deep or broad chest.
  • Back: Bulldog has a very short back giving the appearance of a stocky, compact body.

Temperament and behavior of Pitbulls

Pitbulls are reported to be loving, loyal pets that look out for their families. This form of breed usually receives a bad rap but they are warm pets that make great family additions.

  • Loyalty: Pitbulls’ loyalty has often been revered and spoken about because of its magnitude to their owners.
  • Protection: Basically, they are good in having protection instincts which makes them also washing over and protectors.
  • Affectionate: Though they are said to be tough looking, there are numerous cases where Pitbulls have proven to be affectionate.
  • Active: This breed should undergo regular activities to burn off any excess energy.
  • Socialization: It is important to introduce them to various environments and people at a young age so that they don’t grow up to be antisocial.

“A Pitbull’s behavior, for good or for bad, is mostly shaped by the amount of training and socialization the dog has had.”

Temperament and Behavior of French Bulldogs

French bulldogs are eager for human attention and are incredibly friendly and affectionate towards those around them.

  • Friendly: Great with children and other pets.
  • Loving: Happy to be close to their owners and enjoy cuddles.
  • Playtime: Happy to play but also like to rest.
  • Versatile: Can adapt to different types of surroundings such as an apartment.
  • Watchful: Low barkers but will notify their owner of unusual happenings.

French bulldogs combine a mixture of intelligence alongside being quite stubborn as well. It is crucial to carry out regular training and socialize them more often to control their behavior effectively.

Exercise and Activity Levels: Pitbulls vs French Bulldogs

There is a stark difference in terms of the exercise requirement for Pitbulls and French bulldogs.


  • Athletic and muscular which means a lot of rigorous exercise is necessary.
  • Activities such as running, fetch and agility training are recommended.
  • They need to be exercised for at least 1 to 2 hours every day.
  • A dog’s mental health is also important to address while exercising them to guard against boredom and any destructive behavior.

French Bulldogs:

  • Need less exercise, as they are usually content with short strolls around the neighborhood.
  • Are susceptible to overheating; as such, their activities must not be so strenuous.
  • 30 mins. to 1 hour of exercise is usually sufficient for them on most days.
  • A short walk and a play enjoy their exercise requirements.

Health Considerations for Pitbulls

Pitbulls are generally healthy dogs but like other breeds they have some specific health-related issues. Some of these are:

  • Hip Dysplasia: Relative weakness on the hip joint which is inherited.
  • Allergies: Environmental and food-related skin allergies have been reported.
  • Heart Disease: Particularly aortic stenosis, which is constriction of the aorta.
  • Thyroid Disorders: In cases of hypothyroidism, symptoms like increased appetite and low energy are apparent.
  • Knee Problems: Great tendency to suffer from cranial cruciate ligament tears which need surgical treatment.

To keep them healthy; a well-balanced diet, physical activity, and veterinary visits every once in a while are essential. Detecting early is half the battle won, which can lead to avoiding the most severe of outcomes.

healthy pitbull

Health Considerations for French Bulldogs

These dogs should first be aware of the fact that French Bulldogs have several health problems, oftentimes because of their brachycephalic (flat-faced) structure:

  • Breathing Problems: They are quite short and therefore very narrow faces which restrict their nostrils; illness is inevitable.
  • Heat sensitivity: These dogs tend to overheat quite fast, especially when in warm conditions. Exercise should be limited and managed properly.
  • Skin Infections: If the skin folds of the faces of these animals are not cleaned, they may be in danger of getting infected.
  • Hip Dysplasia: It is much common in this breed, affecting their ability to move.
  • Cherry eyes, cataracts, and entropion. Eyes with multiple holes.

Of these, regular veterinary care and correct care are vital.

Other grooming requirements: French bulldogs and Pitbull

French bulldogs and Pitbull are quite different from each other in their grooming requirements due to the differences in their coats.

  • Short hair.
  • Brushing once a week.
  • Bathing when needed.
  • A little nail cut every 1-2 weeks.
  • Cleaning the ears at appropriate times.
  • Normal tooth brushing done 2 times a week or 3 times
  • Short hair that lies flat on the body.
  • Shedding control with weekly brushing.
  • Bathing every 3 weeks or more as necessary.
  • Nail clipping once a month.
  • Wax in the ears should be cleaned
  • Fold around the cheek should be dry and clean with excessive moisture free
  • Dental Hygiene Gloss on at least two or three instances a week.

Training/Agility and Socialization for Pitbulls and French Bulldogs

Socialization’s and training for the French bulldogs and the Pot-belly Pit bulls comes with some training challenges and advantages.


  • Strong dogs with so much strength and energy require cautious and gentle leaders.
  • They work much better with positive reinforcement.
  • They should be socialized early to avoid aggression.
  • They are good at achievement of obedience as well as in agility.

French Bulldogs:

  • They may be stubborn at times, thus need patience.
  • Brief training, funny and fun filled.
  • They should be avoided from behavioral problems through early socialization.
  • They perform basic obedience well but may not do well in active play.

Living Conditions: Which Breed Is More Adaptable?

Pitbulls and French Bulldogs have a number of characteristics that impact their adaptability to different living conditions.

Space Requirements:

  • In general, pitbulls can be more cumbersome and may require more space, being more energetic.
  • French bulldogs on the other hand can adapt well to smaller houses including hospital, can eat the small space and apartments.

Exercise Needs:

  • Additionally, pitbulls need a lot more rigorous exercise and demand a certain amount of activity as well.
  • French bulldogs on the other hand can settle for a few short walks and some time indoors playing.

Climate Tolerance:

  • With proper care, pitbulls can stand a wide variety of temperatures.
  • Conversely, French bulldogs tend to be sensitive to extreme heat and cold and therefore may require some temperature control.

The overall adaptability varies according to the lifestyle of the owner and the place in which they live.

Cost of a Pitbull vs French Bulldog

Purchase Cost

  • Pitbull: 500-$2000
  • French Bulldog: 1500-8000 dollars


Routine Care: Cost ranges from $200-$400/year
Health problems: Hip Dysplasia, Allergies

French Bulldog:

Routine Care: $400-$600/year
Potential Health Issues: Brachycephalic Syndrome, Skin Disorders


  • Pitbull: 400-800 dollars a year
  • French Bulldog: 300-600 dollars a year

Grooming Fees

  • Pitbull: $25-$50 per session
  • French Bulldog: $30 to $70 per session

Training and Additional Costs

  • Pitbull: Cost ranges from $100-$300/year
  • French Bulldog: Cost: 150 – 500 dollars per year

Which Breed is More Family Friendly?

Both Pitbulls and French Bulldogs possess key features beneficial to a family.


  • They are naturally affectionate and loyal;
  • They have a high energy level: Best for a family who is active.
  • They have a protective nature: Which helps install a sense of security.
  • They need to trained and socialized.

French Bulldogs:

  • It is known to be gentle and calm.
  • They are calm and have a lower energy hence best for families who are not that active.
  • They have a smaller stature which makes it convenient for apartments or small spaces.
  • They do not require so much training.

It is important to evaluate the characteristics of the home such as the activity level of the family to assist in choosing the most suitable breed for them.

Lifestyle Fit: Which breed is most suitable to have in your home?

Pitbulls are not appropriate pets for people who live a sedentary lifestyle. They require active and creative owners who can train them appropriately. They are ideal for someone who has a big house or easy access to open areas.

French bulldogs on the other hand do not fare well in larger houses. They have a fit body structure which allows them to live in smaller places. They also have lower energy levels as compared to other dogs.



  • High energy
  • Bigger living areas required
  • Need to work out more frequently

French Bulldogs:

  • Lesser energy requirement
  • More energy needed in a smaller place
  • Need lower intensity workouts

Conclusion: Pitbull vs French Bulldog

The areas of consideration while selecting either of the two breeds include the following:

  • Lifestyle Compatibility: So while selecting the breed, consider opting one bust still lives an active lifestyle.
  • Space Needs: In case you have a big house and also have a big yard, then go for a pit bull.
  • Temperament: A pit bull is known to be more sensitive and introverted than French bull dog who are known to be outgoing and fun-loving dogs.
  • Health Considerations: respiratory disorders are more frequently seen among French bulldogs due to their physical structure as opposed to Pitbull terries.
  • Training and Socialization: Damaris and the Boers have different exercise needs but both can benefit from early training and socialization.

Before making this decision, potential buyers should consider their individual needs and their environment.


Article by: Dr. Sajawal Amin ( Deep Researcher )

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Written by Dr. Sajawal Amin (Deep researcher)

I am a pet lifestyle blogger who enjoys writing about the fun and quirky side of life with pugs. My articles cover everything from grooming tips to pug fashion, all with a lighthearted and engaging style, perfect for pug lovers looking to spoil their pups and enjoy every moment together.

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