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Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle: Which Breed is Right for You?

Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

Last updated on October 24th, 2024

Here’s an overview:

Introduction: Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

Appearance: Physical Traits and Size Differences

Coat Types and Grooming Needs

Temperament and Personality Traits

Exercise and Activity levels

Training and Intelligence

Health and Life Expectancy

Diet and Nutrition Requirements

Socialization and Family Compatibility

Cost Analysis: One-time Purchase vs Total Investment Costs

Comparing Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle: Suitability for Activities, Performing Therapy and Agility

Conclusion: Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

Introduction: Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

I Lindas Nande“, a poet from the Romagna region (now part of Italy), is credited with creating the Lagotto Romagnolo dog about two thousand years ago. He provided these dogs for the slow-moving swamps during hunting to retrieve raccoons and rabbits. Their role changed as marshes were drained to aid in truffle hunting.

Poodles are widely regarded as a French breed, yet it is widely understood that they originated in Germany. Bred as water retrievers, Poodles were known for their intelligence, making them a highly sought after breed. Their intelligence led them to the circus and eventually as companion dogs, which resulted in three size varieties of Poodles: Standard, Miniature, and Toy.

Appearance: Physical Traits and Size Differences

Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Coat: Dense, woolly, curly.
  • Colors: Brown, off-white with brown, and gray roan.
  • Size: 16-19 inches in shoulder height, medium.
  • Weight: 24-35 pounds.
  • Shape: Robust body with balanced proportions.
  • Eyes: Large and round eccentricities that come in various colors.


Standard Poodle:

  • Coat: Dense, corded or curly.
  • Colors: White, black, apricot, or any other color.
  • Size: No less than 15 inches.
  • Weight: 45-70 pounds.
  • Shape: Square shape but graceful in design.

Miniature Poodle:

  • Size: 10-15 inches.
  • Weight: 10-15 pounds.

Toy Poodle:

  • Height: Less than 10 inches tall.
  • Size: About 4 to 6 pounds in weight.

Although both breeds have hair, but they are different in size and in body shape.

Coat Types and Grooming Needs

Lagotto Romagnolo:

  • Hair type: thick, curly,
  • Hair can be classified as hypoallergenic and with minimal shedding.
  • They need to be brushed regularly as well to prevent matting.
  • The length of the tresses should be the same, which can only be achieved by cutting it often.
  • It’s recommended to take a bath every four to six weeks.


  • The coat is very similar to wool since it is dense and curly.
  • Hair is hypoallergenic and has minimal shedding.
  • They also require constant hair styling to prevent tangles from forming.
  • A trim between four to six weeks is recommended.
  • Washing is also recommended every four to six weeks.

There is actually a very strict grooming routine for each breed. The Lagotto Romagnolo and the Poodle also need grooming from professional groomers from time to time. These dogs have dense coats of hair because of which they should be brushed regularly to avoid tangles and mats, and to maintain healthy skin and coat.

Temperament and Personality Traits

Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Sympathetic: So good and kind that they can be kept within families easily.
  • Smart: Always ready to get new lessons that keep their brain busy.
  • Athlete: These creatures enjoy going out, which requires healthy exercises.
  • Watchful: Yes, good nosy pets makes the best watch dogs.
  • Nurtured: Gentle companions for other pets and humans but training should be commenced as early as possible.


  • Easily Taught: They are fast learners and love being trained.
  • Loyal: Very loyal to their families and can form close attachments to people.
  • Energetic: High levels of energy and need constant mental and physical exercises.
  • Sociable: Most come into contact well with other pets and children.
  • Versatile: Can adapt to different surroundings and places.Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

Exercise and Activity levels

The two breeds Lagotto Romagnolo and Poodle are both active types of dog breeds and require physical activities on a time basis. Activities that can be performed with a Lagotto Romagnolo include fetch, agility including scent work. All types of Poodle, Toy, Miniature or Standard need some sort of physical and mental activity which incorporates many different types.

Lagotto Romagnolo:

  • Enjoys activities to do with water.
  • Has significantly high scores in agility and obedience training.
  • Exercises for at least give 1 hour daily.


  • Can be seen as both a city and country dog.
  • Takes part in games and tricks as well as company.
  • Depends on the size, poodles need at least 30-60 minutes per day and up to 2 hours of exercises.

Training and Intelligence

Both Lagotto Romagnolo or Poodles can be easily regarded as the intelligent breeds which were trainable.

Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Considered as special dogs for sniffing out truffles.
  • Loves to work not in the aggressive way, thus they are fast learners.
  • Needs puzzles and other toys to stimulate them mentally.


  • Recognized amongst the few due to their distinguished participation within many different dog sporting activities.
  • Amenable to training and quite obedient.
  • Take part in agility, tracking, and advanced tricks.

Structured methods and reinforcement of training will work well for both breeds. Continuous training helps in reinforcing the bond between the owner and the dog whilst also helping in modification of behavior and cognitive stimulation.

Health and Life Expectancy

The Lagotto Romagnolo and the Poodle like other canines have strong health and can live for a longer time than many other dog breeds.

Lagotto Romagnolo

  • Life Expectancy: expected to live for around 15 to 17 years
  • Possible Health Problems: Hip dysplasia, epilepsy benign juvenile form, progressive retinal atrophy PRA, manage
  • Requirements: Scheduled check-ups, a dedicated diet, and physical activities


  • Life Expectancy: Poodles, on the other hand, can live between 12 and 15 years, with certain smaller versions often living for longer years.
  • Health problems: The more common diseases include PRA, hip dysplasia and Addison’s disease.
  • Requirements: Regardless of the breed, there is always a requirement for grooming along with vet visits and exercise, which is very essential to their health.

Diet and Nutrition Requirements

Adequate diet and nutrition are salient for the Lagotto Romagnolo and the Poodle general health and longevity.

Lagotto Romagnolo

  • High protein diets emphasize their muscular structure a great deal.
  • Coat health is increased through omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
  • Avoid high carb treats to maintain a steady weight.


  • A nutritious diet with lean proteins accompanies their high energy level.
  • In case of toy and miniature poodles, serving small portions helps avoid obesity.
  • Chewing dental sticks on a routine basis helps keep their teeth healthy.

Both breeds do well in terms of dog food or nutrition-cooked. Vets must be regularly consulted in order to customize the food based on age, weight, or how active the dog is.

Socialization and Family Compatibility

Both breeds are characters often described as friendly or affectionate towards humans, making them suitable for families.

Lagotto Romagnolo:

  • Likes people and likes other animals.
  • Able and looking to be very able.
  • Should have exposure to a Number of people at a young age to avoid not being shy.
  • Gets on well with children and quickly settles into a family.


  • Is very active, and enjoys associating with the family members.
  • Is able to go from one social environment to another seamlessly.
  • Frequent exposure to new people is necessary for proper behavioral development of the dog.
  • Poodles are also generally easy patient when it comes to children and to other animals as well.

Definitely, both breeds are ideal for people working in Norfolk or most of the time family orientated. They are now able to socialize with ease.

Cost Analysis: One-time Purchase vs Total Investment Costs

The buying price of a Lagotto Romagnolo is most often between $1,800 to $2,500. As regards the pushing size, poodles range between $1000 to $2000 for Toy and Miniature sizes and $1500 to $3000 for the standard size.

As for lifetime upkeep, consider:

  • Food: An annual cost of $500 to 700 is projected for feeding both breeds.
  • Healthcare: A routine vet visit poses a cost of $200 to 400 annually.
  • Grooming: Poodles spend $600 to $1000 on grooming after every six to eight weeks of professional cleaning. On the other hand, Lagotto Romagnolos can expect to spend about $400 to $600 a year for grooming.

Comparing Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

Comparing both great and lovely breeds in terms of Temperament and Physical Characteristics for Different Living Conditions.

Urban Living

Lagotto Romagnolo:

  • An average level of tolerance to apartments.
  • High energy needs allow this dog to enjoy walks outdoors on a regular basis.
  • Solves puzzles and engages in mental games.


  • Easily accustomed to apartments.
  • Outdoor activities are not important when compared to the Lagotto Romagnolo.
  • Indoor play and trust help nurture this type of poodle.

Suburban Living

Lagotto Romagnolo:

  • The dog enjoys much area as well as fenced yards.
  • This type of Lagotto needs to exercise regularly and go outside frequently for walks.
  • Those dogs can also take advantage of having an agility course and training.


  • This breed of dog is content in the suburbs.
  • This poodle prefers a workout of average intensity.
  • Shows an ease in adjusting with family and take part in family activities.

Being in Rural Area

Lagotto Romagnolo:

  • Does well in vast outside spaces
  • Does equally well in retrieving, hunting and other activities
  • Requires much commitment in time, engagement as well as exercise.


  • Is able to adjust in rural setup.
  • Loves to run freely and explore new terrains without a leash.
  • Needs to exercise but not as intensive as for Lagotto Romagnolo.

Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle: Suitability for Activities, Performing Therapy and Agility

Both Lagotto Romagnolo and Poodle show a high level of intelligence and are easy to train making their deployment in performing therapy tasks and agile activities easy and effective.

Lagotto Romagnolo:

  • Bear a more tranquil demeanor and great for therapeutic environments
  • Have the ability to smell which can help out in some therapies
  • Build that is muscular and compact gives them the ability to be quick and agile.


  • The poodle’s nature makes it possible for them to adjust in different therapy situations.
  • Distinctive Physique which makes them effortlessly agile.
  • Sharp and quick and therefore perform very well in complex jump cran courses.

Over several aspects of use, both of these types do perfectly well due to their ability to think and general physical structure. In addition, their temperaments and trainability are quite conducive towards the enhancement for human well being through both therapy and agility exercises.

Conclusion: Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle

It is important to understand that the following of the two breeds Lagotto Romagnolo vs Poodle has to come with certain factors:

  • Allergies: Unlike many which traditionally are prone to allergies, both breeds are slim and steal safe thus would be appropriate for one who suffers from allergies.
  • Activity Level: Poodles on the other hand usually exhibit relatively high energy levels.
  • Training: Training Poodles tend to be easier, since they are intelligent dogs.
  • Grooming: Both kinds require grooming; however, Poodles needs to be cut more often.
  • Family Environment: Both are great with kids and other animals, though Lagottos may show more tolerance.
  • Space: While Lagottos adjust easily in an apartment, Poodles require more space to wander about.


Article by: Tawab Sukhera (Ethologist)

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Written by Tawab Sukhera (Ethologist)

I am an ethologist with a deep passion for understanding animal behavior, particularly in dogs. I spent years studying the unique traits and personalities of pugs, making him a go-to expert for pug enthusiasts. I bring scientific insights to the table, helping pug owners better connect with their furry companions.

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