
How to Train Your Lagotto Romagnolo: Essential Tips for New Owners

How to Train Your Lagotto Romagnolo: Essential Tips for New Owners

Last updated on October 24th, 2024

Here’s an overview:

Know the Lagotto Romagnolo Breed

Ready Your House for a New Lagotto Romagnolo

Socialization: The Address of Good Mannerism in Dogs

Training Basics: Commands Every Lagotto Should Know

How To House Train Your Lagotto Romagnolo

Exercise and Mental Stimulation Needs Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

Dealing with Barking and Whining Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

Healthy Diet and Feeding Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

Regular Grooming and Maintenance Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

Strengthening the Relationship with Your Lagotto Romagnolo

Know the Lagotto Romagnolo Breed

One of the breeds of the Italian water dog is the Lagotto Romagnolo and earthen basins come from the Romagna region. This breed was primarily drafted for the purpose of hunting aquatic birds. In the present day, this breed is known for its talent in finding truffles.

Key Characteristics

  • Weight: Medium size of 28- 48 pounds in weight
  • Coat: curly and woolen coat with low chances of allergic replies.
  • Lifespan: 15 – 17 years.


  • Bright: Learning a new activity is made simple, which makes them factors in training
  • Active: They must have exercises for their body and mind.
  • Fond: Development of strong relations with the family

Health Concerns

  • Common Problems: Dysplasia of hips, eye problems.
  • Routine Visits: For prevention and treatment.

Knowing these traits is imperative regarding proper grooming and training.

Ready Your House for a New Lagotto Romagnolo

Preparing a clean and safe place is very important.


  • Acquire a warm blanket.
  • Purchase puppy chew.
  • Set aside water and food containers.
  • Buy a collar and strong id tag

Safety Measures:

  • Reorganize the home with a puppy.
  • Keep dangers from children.
  • Electrical cables concealed.

Training Supplies:

  • Get a proper cage.
  • Buy treats.
  • House cleaning amendments for pets with thick coats.

Outdoor Preparation:

  • Enclose the yard with a fence securely.
  • Look for plants that are harmful and poisonous.

Common lapses in the above-mentioned points make it possible to move a Lagotto Romagnolo to a different house without much trouble.

How to Train Your Lagotto Romagnolo: Essential Tips for New Owners

Socialization: The Address of Good Mannerism in Dogs

The Lagotto Romagnolo, like any dog, needs socialization in order to demonstrate appropriate and acceptable behaviors. Most importantly, owners should:

  • Let puppies explore other places, sounds, and even surfaces.
  • Have the puppy play with other friendly dogs.
  • Allow the puppy to meet different individuals, younger and older people.
  • Go somewhere shallower, like a puppy training or simple obedience sessions.
  • Let the pup encounter everyday items when they first happen upon the home such as TV sets and fans.
  • Ensure that every occasion involving other people is monitored to guarantee its safety.
  • Begin introducing a more complex and diverse range of socialization situations.

Making sure that the Lagotto Romagnolo has lots of and varied interactions is beneficial in normalizing the creatures.

Training Basics: Commands Every Lagotto Should Know

When dealing with a Lagotto Romagnolo, training requires that certain procedures be followed and patience be practiced. Do not forget the making of attempts at these and their basics to ensure a patient response.

  1. Set: Kindly put dog treats a little behind the head of the dog within its range so the dog must have to sit to grab them.
  2. Stay: Once they are seated, move your hand outwards at neck level and issue the command ‘stay’ while slowly moving backwards away from your pet.
  3. Come: Call out to the dog using a happy voice without undue excitement trying to want the dog to approach.
  4. Down: This command involves getting a dog to lie down with the help of a treat from the nose to the floor.
  5. Leave It: Make use of this command when the dog attempts to snatch up something that he should not do.

These primary commands improve order and discipline while bonding becomes better too.

How To House Train Your Lagotto Romagnolo

Housebreaking a Lagotto Romagnolo isn’t an easy task and it needs time and diligence. Create a schedule on when the dogs are supposed to go out for the bathroom breaks avoiding long intervals after meals. Select the appropriate area outside and give that area a name like “go potty”.

dog with treats and compliments

Shower the dog with treats and compliments each time it eliminates in the designated area. Depending on the puppies activity keep a close watch on him inside the house, in order to avoid messes; consider puppy crate training as a good option in such instances. Wash any mess made in the house thoroughly and deodorize for odor. In case of any accidents, don’t punish but keep training encouraging the dog for correctness. It is important to keep at it and keep at it if you are going to house break a Lagotto Romagnolo.

Crate training is an integral part for all Lagotto Romagnolo owners. Designating an area for dogs’ it assists them in feeling safe and also helps in toilet training. Do these:

Ask the owner the following questions:

  1. Choose the Right Crate: Ensure the crate is large enough for the dog to stand up, turn around and lie down.
  2. Introduce Gradually: Let the dog enter and explore the crate without closing the door at the beginning.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Treats and praise should be incorporated in order to make the crate a pleasant experience.
  4. Consistent Routine: Try to use the crate on a daily basis and keep it for some naps and bedtimes.
  5. Avoid Prolonged Confinement: Use crate for the shortest time possible, so that the dog does not learn to associate it with abandonment.

Managing Separation Anxiety

Lagotto Romagnolos may display separation anxiety through destructive behavior or extreme whining. Here’s what I think owners should do to help.

  • Short Absences: Always begin with small periods of absence, gradually increasing the absence over a number of days.
  • Safe Space: Provide them with an enclosed area that is specific, contains their comforting items, and with which they wish knows little contact.
  • Routine Establishment: Stick to feeding, walking or playing in specific time schedules as much as possible.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Attention and treats should be given at non-excited moments i.e. when the person leaves or returns home.

For any persistent anxiety, please seek out additional advice from veterinarians.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation Needs Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

The characteristic traits of the Lagotto Romagnolo breed suggest that they are an active and intelligent breed that requires mental and physical activity on a daily basis. Their exercise needs include:

  • Daily walks: Aim to spend a minimum of between 30 and 45 minutes in a variety of walks or even longer depending on the child’s capacity or interest.
  • Playtime: Engaging the dog in such activities as fetch and tug of war are great ways to expend energy.
  • Off leash play: Enclosed safe areas such as fenced yards are best for free fun.

Minimizing boredom is just as essential so as to avoid destructive behavioral problems. Dog owners should:

  • Training sessions: These should be brief but regular and reinforcing in a positive manner.
  • Puzzle toys: They should be provided with toys that require them to solve problems.
  • Scent work: Games and training should involve their ability to scent.

Dealing with Barking and Whining Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

Lagotto Romagnolo is also well known for barking and whining; in fact, barking and whining does occur in this breed. The challenge lies with explaining the reasons for doing this.

  • Identify triggers: Ask yourself whether the behavior is based on anxiety, boredom, or the need for attention.
  • Increase exercise: Ensure that there is enough mental and physical activity.
  • Establish routine: Anxiety can at times be dealt with through the use of a scheduled routine.
  • Desensitize: Facilitate gradual exposure of the dog to the triggers in controlled circumstances.
  • Consult professionals: If the problem persists for some time, consider getting an advice from a vet or professional dog trainer.

Healthy Diet and Feeding Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

The following diets are extremely important in the health and the general well being of the Lagotto Romagnolo.

  • High Quality Protein: Focus on sustenance that contains more protein.
  • Essential Fats: Check for omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
  • Carbohydrates: Starchy foods from vegetables and whole grain need to be included.
  • Hydration: Clean water should always be provided at all times.

A regular feeding pattern will also enhance the training processes.

  1. Puppies: Three meals in a day.
  2. Adults: Two meals in a day.
  3. Portion Control: Abide by what the vet prescribed.
  4. Treats: Limit for training purposes only.

Ask a veterinarian regarding your dog’s feeding plan. Well-timed meals help increase efficiency in the training period and help maintain general health.

Regular Grooming and Maintenance Tips for New Lagotto Romagnolo Owners

Lagotto Romagnolos are required to be groomed often in order to keep their healthy thick curly hair as well as their health. The owners should;

  1. Brush Regularly: Brush their coast two to three times weekly in order to avoid matts and tangles.
  2. Trim Frequently: Once professionally trimmed once six to eight weeks.
  3. Ear care: Wipe their ears at least once a week to avoid ear infections.
  4. Dental Hygiene: Every so often brush their teeth with dog toothpaste.

Grooming is not just to make the Lagotto Romagnolo more beautiful but also helps in maintaining health and hygiene.

Strengthening the Relationship with Your Lagotto Romagnolo

Being able to bond with a Lagotto Romagnolo consists of interacting with it properly. Start with some of the activities also include spending some minutes daily doing:

  • Walks and Exercise: Fulfill some of their energy requirements by giving them such activities.
  • Interactive Play: Using aspects such as fetch and puzzler toys will keep them active.
  • Grooming Routines: Exercise grooming regularly, since the coat grows back, cuddles are always a plus.


Article by: Dr. Ali Ahmad (Behavior Researcher)

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Written by Dr. Huzaifa Shayan (Veterinarian/ Deep Researcher)

I am an experienced veterinary technician with a soft spot for pugs. With over a decade of experience working with small dog breeds, my articles focus on pug health, wellness, and nutrition. I love sharing practical advice to keep your pug in top shape and always happy.

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