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Top Strategies for Overcoming Common Pug Behavior Problems

pug behavior

Last updated on October 24th, 2024

Here’s an overview:

Introduction to Common Pug Behavior Problems

Adopting Proper Pug Breed Temperament

In What Ways Are Pugs Troublesome?

Separation Anxiety: Causes and Solutions

Barking too much, what to do?

Managing Pug Aggression

Housebreaking and Potty Training Issues

Preventive Measures Against Destructive Chewing

Eliminating Food Aggressiveness and Related Information

Socialization of Pugs

Importance of Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Training Techniques for Improving Behaviors

Using Positive Reinforcement As An Effective Method

Consulting Professionals: When to Seek Help

Conclusion: Ensuring a Happy, Well-Behaved Pug

Introduction to Common Pug Behavior Problems

Pug behavior Problems caused when displaced, can act up and bring forth potential problems that an owner has to face. Learning these problems helps in management.

  • Separation Anxiety: Pugs are quite social and may develop anxiety, which can lead to destructive behavior such as chewing, when left alone for a long time.
  • Stubbornness: Stubbornness is one trait that is often associated with pugs thus, they may, at certain times, disobey instructions or commands including from a trainer.
  • Excessive Barking: This breed belongs to dogs that are highly unlikely to stop barking since it will be out of restlessness or seeking attention.
  • House Soiling: They call it house training but for some pugs, it can prove very challenging and thus house soiling is often a problem.
  • Aggression: These behaviors are rare, but it is a little understood that some pugs may be aggressive if they are not introduced to other animals in an appropriate way.

Adopting Proper Pug Breed Temperament

Pugs are round, cute, quite charming and lovey and friendly. They are sometimes referred to as some of these classic family members which cannot do without a good dose of ‘people’ in their system as they almost always seek affection from their owners. Children in the modern world would not complain with such a nature of the attendant. A very important characteristic in this case is the ease of adjustment to the deployment of the pug for living conditions: apartment or house.

Key Traits of Pug Temperament:

  • Affectionate: Pugs like to offer and receive love and pleasing.
  • Playful: Any sort of game, sport or social activity meets their taste.
  • Adaptable: Capable of dealing with varying situations.
  • Social: Cooperative with human beings and other animals – pets.
  • Stubborn: Requires patience for effective training.

In What Ways Are Pugs Troublesome?

There are some reasons that Pugs are always troublesome:

  • Genetic Predisposition: An example is where the stubbornness characteristics were passed dow to the Pugs.
  • Socialization: Generally an inconsequential phase may lead to stress or hallucinations as the puppy grows older.
  • Health Issues: Might provoke discomfort which subsequently may lead to annoyance.
  • Training Deficits: Pugs may behave inappropriately since the pug is unclear about what activity and training methods to follow.
  • Environmental Factors: Leaving out the different changes in day to day life may encourage some negative reinforcement activities.
  • Attention Seeking: Being social creatures, pugs would often misbehave to be noticed.

Separation Anxiety: Causes and Solutions

Pugs usually suffer from separation anxietyespecially when their owners are absent due to the strong bonds they develop.


  • Genetic Predisposition: There are such types of pugs that have seriously anxious types of pugs where these pugs on average do suffer some degree of anxiety.
  • Early Experiences: Pugs less aged when separated with the mother or the pups has not been well socialized.
  • Changes in Routine: When one relocates to another place and sleeps in a new living in the house or when changes emerges in the routine of a day.
  • Lack of Stimulation: Those puppies lack interesting activities and space as well as physical exercises.


  1. Gradual Desensitization: Increasing alone time shouldn’t be the immediate action and it is better done in steps.
  2. Interactive Toys: An alternative would be bringing them innovative items akin to toys.
  3. Training: Positive reinforcement is used in order to reinforce calm behavior.
  4. Professional Help: Seek advice from a dog behavioral specialist where appropriate.
  5. Routine: Adhere to a well-defined, non-varying burdening schedule.

Barking too much, what to do?

It is essential to determine what caused excessive barking or why a dog barks a lot. Some dogs may bark excessively from boredom and looking for attention or anxiety. The pug’s behavior helps to determine these specific patterns and what causes them. Once this has been established, you can do the following:

  1. Consistent Training: Use positive reinforcement techniques to teach the syllable ‘quiet.’
  2. Mental Stimulation: Give them fun puzzles and other engaging things for the pug.
  3. Physical Exercise: Take him for a stroll or otherwise play with him as he may be exaggeratedly full of energy.
  4. Desensitization: Replacexx new triggering with desired calm attention to a pug.
  5. Professional Help: If possible resolve this problem, even the bark from their back.

Managing Pugs Aggression

  • Preventing pug aggressiveness requires rhythmic sessions of training.
  • First, recognize the ones that elicit such aggression: toys, food, and strangers. Applying positive reinforcement helps them remain calm.
  • Socialization is imperative and should be done carefully in different surroundings and with different people.
  • Do not use physical force which does not help and only makes matters worse.
  • Get in touch with a veterinarian to examine the causes of anger that are medical.
  • Call a dog trainer, if your pet’s aggressive behavior is still there.
  • Regular exercise is also a necessity for the release of energy.
  • Training takes time and steadiness, but it allows creating a comfortable and peaceful place.

Housebreaking and Potty Training Issues in Pugs

Introducing housebreaking and pee pad training for Pugs is difficult because their instinctive response is to resist any training at all. Such attitudes make it important that the undesirable better and acceptable habits be established and maintained.

  1. Establish a routine: Regular feeding times and scheduled potty breaks are an example.
  2. Use crate training: This helps reduce the likelihood of having accidents and to some extent, bladder control is instilled as well.
  3. Positive reinforcement: Use treats and praises whenever they potty in the right area.
  4. Accidents: Clean them up completely and prevent pets from reliving the same “pleasure” again.
  5. Observation: Look for clues like sniffing the ground or walking in circles.

Keeping in mind that it is important to be patient and persistent even in the initial stages of housebreaking a pug will help in achieving success.

Preventive Measures Against Destructive Chewing

The other step which involves mitigation of destructive chewing is to make sure that the pug has enough stimulation and correct chewing items. This makes it hard for them to no chew on things that are not intended for chewing. More often than not, this is associated with the need for chewing behaviors and physical and mental activities.


Сhewing Tips: Chewing Toys:

  • Small durable toys for dogs are worth buying.
  • Change the toys now and then to keep the excitement.


  • There should be daily walks and time allocated to playing.
  • Try playing fetch among other active games.


  • Behavior modification works most especially through positive reinforcement teachings e.g. commands “leave it”.
  • Always direct chewing towards acceptable items.

Dealing with problem stimulation:

  • Make an exercise out of removing things that will tempt your pug as dog proofing.
  • Sprays that are aversive to the pet have been successfully used on furniture and other items.

These behavioral issues in pugs can subsequently become a deathly issue. These behavioral patterns can be modified using the following methods.


  • For example in controlled feedings, increase gradually the amount of food that is exposed to the pug.
  • Calm them down and reward them when possible with praise.

Understanding their boundaries:

  • Feed the pug in a certain area to help them during and after meals.
  • Stick to the set times for every meal.
pug behavior

Gravity Training:

  • Altering your pugs and pups mouth behavior using the commands “leave it” and “stay” are efficient.
  • Regularly practice the commands.

Professional Help:

    • In such cases, professional trainers or veterinarians should be contacted.
    • Programs necessary for changing the existing behavior can also be considered.

Socialization of Pugs

The proper socialization for pugs is decisive in order to avoid behavioral problems. Use the following strategies each time you want to secure a well-adjusted pug:

  1. Early Exposure: Understandably, Pugs should be exposed to different sounds, people, environments at an early age.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: When new noises are presented to them, treats and praises are to be given to them when they remain calm.
  3. Socialization Classes: It is advised to take puppy socialization classes which help in supervised interactions.
  4. Daily Walks: Taking daily walks brings the pugs to various situations which also aids in desensitization.
  5. Controlled Introduction: Other pets should be introduced to the pug on a gradual basis in order to avoid overstimulation.
  6. Playdates: Schedule playdates with well-mannered dogs to promote positive interactions.

If all/most of these guidelines are adhered to, the pugs should be sociable.

Importance of Exercise and Mental Stimulation for Pugs

Barking, chewing and many other behaviors channeled at distress could be absent in pugs that have enough physical activities and mental stimulation still able to pull themselves down. Pent up feelings are let out to the downfall of anxiety.

Regular walks, play sessions.-Interactive toys, puzzles.-Dedicate a period for the Dog training.

It is also important to include some form of Mental stimulation, and that cannot be over-emphasized. Boredom is reduced, and good behavior maintained as a result of stimulated brains.

Obedience training.-Learning new tricks and words on command.-Using puzzle feeders.

Making sure that the pug gets both physical and mental workouts everyday makes sure that this dog remains healthy and happy. As far as the underlying issues are concerned, this method is effective in preventing the emergence of many behavioral issues.

Training Techniques for Improving Behaviors

In order to solve pug behavior problems, it is crucial to figure out how to train them more effectively:

  1. Consistency: Decide and stick to how commands are issued and to the way discipline is given especially.
  2. Rewarding Positive Behavior: Give out praise, treats or even petting when the pug behaves well.
  3. Consistent Daily Schedule: Implementing a schedule and sticking to it is imperative.
  4. Introduction of Other Factors: Take pugs out with you to the street or visit parks or other houses.
  5. Obedience Training: Use the basic commands such as sit, stay and come.
  6. Best Wrong Behaviors: Do not reinforce a bad habit by ignoring it; it should be given attention.
  7. Exercising Crate Training: A flexible method in behavior modification and source of security.

Using Positive Reinforcement As An Effective Method

Positive reinforcement is important regarding the modification of pug behavior problems.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Identify Desired Behaviors:
    • Watch the pug and note down the behaviors he exhibits during the normal course of the day.
    • Find out the behaviors to be encouraged using the reinforcement.
  2. Choose Why It Is Important:
    • Treats that are appropriate for a pug.
    • They can also be accompanied with praising words and love.
  3. Reinforcement And Timing:
    • The reinforcement of the behavior should be done immediately the correct response is exhibited.
  • In this case, staying with clicker training will work to make the pug associate the action with some form of benefit.

Gradual Reduction in pug behavior problems:

  • Tapering the treats off over time remains valid, as long as praise is still given.
  • Make sure the pug still leads that behavior.

Positive reinforcement, when applied correctly, can help to a great extent in terms of curbing negative behaviors in pugs, resulting in more healthy pets.

Consulting Professionals: When to Seek Help

When pug behavior issues persist, consulting professionals can prove useful. Here are conditions when a pet owner ought to seek professional assistance:

  • Aggression: Repeated aggression to human beings and other animals.
  • Anxiety: Heightened anxious states such as separation anxiety and phobias to loud sounds.
  • Training: Even after trying tirelessly, the basic training remains impossible.
  • Destructive Behavior: Destructiveness such as chewing of furniture lasts much longer than the puppy stage calls for professional intervention.
  • Health Concerns: Behavioral concerns that possibly stem from health conditions such as mood or energy changes.

Professional interventions that may assist include veterinary doctors, credentialed dog trainers and animal behavior experts.

Conclusion: Ensuring a Happy, Well-Behaved Pug

While training and care are fundamental to every living thing, it is crucial for the successful rearing of pugs. Some of the main ones include:

  • Consistent Training: Scheduling the trainings within a certain time frame and achieving them over time is critical in curbing unwanted behavior.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Obedient and desired action can be reinforced using various forms of praise and rewards.
  • Socialization: Coming across different environments, people and other animals minimizes aggressiveness and worry.
  • Exercise and Play: Agility and mental exercises undertaken on a daily basis help in eliminating boredom and destructiveness.
  • Regular Health Checkups: Regular visits to the spa for pugs help in maintaining activity and positively affecting behavior.

These strategies foster unity and improve human and pug integration.


Article from: Abdullah (Senior Trainor)

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Written by Abdullah (Senior Trainor)

I am a professional dog trainer who specializes in training pugs. My love for this charming breed began when he adopted his first pug, Sparky, ten years ago. On PugsBeauty, I offer training tips, behavioral insights, and techniques that help owners raise well-behaved and confident pugs.

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