
Breathing Difficulties in Pugs: Causes and Prevention

Breathing Difficulties in Pugs

Last updated on September 27th, 2024

Here’s an overview:

Introduction to the Different Types of Breathing Difficulties in Pugs

Anatomy of such a pug is what we study with regards to their respiratory system in pugs

Common Breathing Disorders in Pugs

Symptoms of Breathing Problems in Pugs

Breathing Problems in Pugs and their Causes

You are encumbered with moving forward with the extension of pug breathing issues

Home Care Tips for Breathing Difficulties in Pugs

Veterinary Treatments and Interventions

Surgical Options for Severe Cases

Lifestyle Changes for Improvement of Respiratory Health

The Role of Diet and Exercise

Recognizing and Responding to Emergencies

Real-life Case Studies and Owner Experiences

Future Developments in Pug Health Research

Conclusion: Ensuring Your Pug’s Quality of Life

Introduction to the Different Types of Breathing Difficulties in Pugs

Breathing Difficulties in Pugs, when your pug emphysema is a common disease associated with pug dogs because of their brachycephalic breed. The different features of their skulls bring about other respiratory illnesses worsened by problems such as keeping narrow nostrils(stenotic nares) or having long soft palates.

Such anatomical features could cause the following:

Whenever they are introduced to heat or engaging in some activities. Such dogs may present symptoms of distresses including during hot months or when they are engaging in some activities. Understanding and taking preventive measures is very important. The veterinarian’s help can be valuable in alleviating and offering solutions to the Pugs that have been affected.

Anatomy of such a pug is what we study with regards to their respiratory system in pugs

There is a peculiar respiratory apparatus in pug domestic animals due to their being bracycephalic. This anatomy aggravates the following aspects and structures:

  • Stenotic Nares: One of the common features of pugs is narrow nostrils that limit normal respiration as air does not circulate effectively.
  • Soft Palate: The upward placement and overdeveloped soft palate can physically obstruct airflow in the throat region.
  • Larynx: (Hypoplastic Trachea) In most cases, the trachea is hypoplastic due to ailment hence contributing to restricted airflow.
  • Nasal Passages: Restrictive nasal passages also form a contributory factor to breathing complications.
  • Airway Obstruction: These anatomical features collectively impose high resistance against airflow.

Common Breathing Disorders in Pugs

Because of their brachycephaly, pugs have a recent history of numerous breathing disorders. The primary conditions usually diagnosed include:

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS)

  • It is caused due to elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, and hypoplastic trachea.

Stenotic Nares

  • Narrow nasal passages that result into breathing difficulties and snoring

Elongated Soft Palate

  • Excess soft palate obstructs the airway passage (glottis), hence complications in breathing.

Hypoplastic trachea

  • Small trachea, which leads to limited airflow to the lungs.

Collapsing trachea

  • Collapse of the trachea pronounces coughs that again put a strain on the upper chest.

Fetching proper diagnosis and management would be veterinary oriented.

Symptoms of Breathing Problems in Pugs

Feeding problems have almost become chronic due to the pug’s cold features. If such signs are noticed within time, the risks of developing other complications are minimized.

Below are the common symptoms that are observed:

  • Snorting and Snoring: Noisy breathing such as snoring, .the pug still makes such sounds while being active.
  • Shortness of Breath: When the pug is breathing, it makes quick and shallow ins and outs.
  • Excessive Panting: More active breathing than normal even without active movements, especially on a hot day.
  • Coughing or Gagging: A lot of coughing or choking.
  • Nasal Discharge: Runny nose clear like water or pus.
  • Wheezing: Consecutive outbreath, which sounds like a hissing noise but with a higher pitch.
  • Lethargy: The state of unwillingness of a pug to do anything, including playing.
  • Bluish Gums or Tongue: The absence of oxygen in the body and its tissues.
  • Frequent Vomiting: Suffocating due to the efforts taken.
  • Restlessness: Where one is unable to sleep because they keep changing their positions.

Breathing Problems in Pugs and their Causes

Pugs belong to the group of dogs that have breathing problems due to the following reasons that can be observed in them considering:

  • BOAS: Facial depression found in pugs’ breeds interrupt the natural disposition to fend for ourselves, so we experience so much trouble.
  • Stenotic Nares: This is a condition whereby the nose narrowings make it impossible for Pugs to inhale, limiting the volume of air that can enter their lungs.
  • Elongated Soft Palate: In this condition, there is an excessive soft tissue that protrudes and can sometimes oblique an airway. This causes breathing obstruction especially in sleeping patterns.
  • Collapsed Trachea: Collapse and narrowing of the trachea is caused by the collapse of the supportive cartilage rings and hence renders an airflow obstruction.
  • Obesity: Extra weight or mass tends to make breathing worse because it adds extra stress to the respiratory system.
  • Environmental & Food Allergies: Such affiliates when inhaled can inflate wobbly membranes which irritate the bronchial and muscular structures leading to obstructed airflow.

You are encumbered with moving forward with the extension of pug breathing issues

Engagement of veterinarian is often very crucial since diseases that are related to the respiratory system can be adroitly controlled from their onset. Observe an appropriate body mass to ease workload for the lungs and heart. Where possible, language should be spoken in the cooler places with free air circulation. Pugs should not be exposed to smoke, dust or pollen.

Diet and Exercise

  • Balanced Diet: Maintain healthy body weight.
  • Moderate Exercise: While it keeps obesity at bay it does not ensure that the back is stressed.

Environmental Adjustments

  • Cool Spaces: Prevent the risk of overheating.
  • Clean Air: Reduce the number of airborne irritants and ablative agents.

Seeking Assistance

  • Recognize Signs: Predisposed relationship to the proceeds.
  • Emergency Plan: No matter what happens time to make quick decisions.

Avoiding collars that are relatively tight can also minimize pressure in its throat area.

Home Care Tips for Breathing Difficulties in Pugs

When it comes to dealing with breathing problems in Pugs at home, a few practices should be taken into consideration.

  • Keep Them Trim: Any excess weight puts a more strain on the Pugs’ trachea. Watch the Pug’s diet and make sure they get some exercise often, but within their limits.
  • Give Them Fresh Air: Always use air cleaners and try to cool the house and also prevent them from smoke, zed fires, odor triggers and allergens.
  • Routine Bathing: Bath or clean the nose folds that of the Pug and also do the E grooming of the Pug to eliminate irritants.

Breathing Difficulties in Pugs

  • Raise Food and Water Bowls: Raised bowls do help with the pressure in the throat and air pipes while they t that when there enamel is being fed.
  • Watch Physical Activities: Avoid doing those vigorous things which are very active in hot weather for example outdoor activities. Allow enough relax and non active but inner playtime.

Veterinary Treatments and Interventions

Limits breathing difficulties in Pugs, and if they do occur, there are several ways to rectify them. These measures include:

Surgical Options:

  • Soft Palate Resection: Tis the surgery in which the long soft palate is cut off.
  • Nostril Widening: This procedure entails widening the nostrils with the intention of increasing the airflow through the nasal cavity.


  • Anti-inflammatories: Purpose of this medication is to provide treatment for inflammation.
  • Bronchodilators: A remedy that will open the narrowed passages of the breathing tubes.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

  • Weight Management: This helps to lessen the burden that the respiratory system has to carry.
  • Controlled Exercise: Avoid strenuous regimes that may cause excessive strain to the owner.

Environmental Modifications:

  • Humidity Control Management: Serving to sustain a satisfactory quality of the air.
  • Air Conditioning: To limit the risks of overheating in pets.

Surgical Options for Severe Cases in Pugs

There arise some conditions where the pug will experience severe breathing difficulties that will make surgical procedures inevitable. These procedures are intended to relieve blockage and promote airflow.

  • Nares Stenosis Surgery: In this case, the operation consists of enlargening the devices to enhance the influx of the air.
  • Soft Palate Resection: This procedure entails the removal of the extended section on the soft palate to avoid obstruction in the airway.
  • Laryngeal Saccule Removal: This operation consists of looking in on and cutting out protruding mobile saccules that block the airways.
  • Laser-Assisted Turbinectomy: Portions of the nasal turbinates with excess tissues are cut off using a laser in order to enable the patient to breathe through the nasal cavity.

Surgical intervention in reconstructive surgical approaches should be left to veterinary doctors who are trained on brachycephalic dogs.

Lifestyle Changes for Improvement of Pugs Respiratory Health

There are certain lifestyle changes that these pets need in order to breathe well.

Pugs Weight Management:

  • Ensure a balanced diet.
  • Be physically active.

Air Quality:

  • Use air purifiers at home.
  • Do not expose them to smoke or harmful gases.

Temperature Regulation:

  • Ensure the room temperature is not hot.
  • Avoid hot and cold environmental conditions.

Hydration in Pugs:

  • Always have clean water available.
  • Do not fill her up.

Stress Reduction:

  • Keep a quiet home.
  • Provide stress-relieving sessions such as walks.

Schedule Visits to the Vet:

  • These include common check up and vaccinations if needed.
  • Feed them regularly if they show signs of respiratory distress.

The Role of Diet and Exercise in Pug Health

In relation to the management of breathing complications such as dog asthma in pugs, both a balanced diet as well as some physical activity are very important. Adequate diet and nutrition greatly help in weight maintenance hence reducing the excess strain that falls on their respiratory function. This breed of dogs should be fed specialized low-calorie foods rated for pugs.

No exercise should be strenuous from the beginning so that the pug is not fatigued. Instead of taking one long walk, a number of shorter ones is more valuable. To prevent Breathing Difficulties in Pugs they need to watch their pug’s movements and more importantly, the pug’s breath located in the outer rebtra when performing any activity. Collars can also be substituted by the use of harness; this helps to prevent undue pressure on the dog’s neck regions such as the throat. A regular pattern is great for overall and lung efficiency function which then helps improve certain symptoms.

Recognizing and Responding to Emergencies

Being aware of breathing problems with pugs and taking action is very critical for survival. Specifically note the following:

  • Strenuous and labored respiration in addition to rapid panting
  • Cyanosis (blue lips, gums or tongue).
  • Distinctive raspy noises e.g. wheezing or snores.
  • An enlargement of the throat/ neck
  • Occasional fainting/collapse

In the event that pugs comprehend the urgency, do not delay and do the following;

  • Stay still and attempt to soothe the pug.
  • Determine where the blockage in the airway is
  • Provide a well-through puff and fan themselves and the pug if necessary.
  • After this, place the pug into the carrier and head straight for the vet.
  • While heading, observe if there is some change with the pug’s breathing.

Powers Outcome is available only if there is a quick response to the vet.

Real-life Case Studies and Owner Experiences

Many pug owners reported of their woes with their pets and the breathing problems.

Case Study: Bella

  • Case 2, Bella is 3 years old at the time of enrollment. Bella has been snoring and retching uncontrollably for a long time.
  • Diagnosis by the veterinarians showed that she was fond of BOAS.
  • Management options included soft palate resection and nostril widening surgery.

Case Study: Max

  • Case 1, Max is a 5 year old pug experiencing intense wheezing and lack of energy.
  • Then diagnosed as BOAS and also laryngeal collapse.
  • Management included surgical interventions and management post surgery.

Owner Insight

Owner of Bella in a lamenting voice said, ‘It was a great relief knowing that Bella’s breathing had improved after the surgical operation.’

Breathing Difficulties in Pugs

Future Developments in Pug Health Research

Some researchers are looking for ways on how to do away with the pug’s breathing problems. Studies of a genetic basis for brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAS) are these areas. Other researchers are testing more innovative facilitative procedures to restore regular physiological function of the airways. Clinical trials of new drugs for addressing inflammatory damage and excision/posterior tissues of the soft palate are also taking place.

They are also finding novel possibilities on gene therapy effects on inherited respiratory illnesses. New imaging techniques should offer improvements in planning a surgery and diagnosing the problem. The sharing of information between veterinary schools and pet owners is on the rise and this is helping in accelerating discoveries.

Conclusion: Ensuring Your Pug’s Quality of Life

Breathing Difficulties in Pugs: Improving a pug’s quality of life takes effort, especially in terms of constant observation and management. This involves the following activities:

  • Regular Vet Visits: Regular review helps to pick out of the early symptoms of breathing problems.
  • Weight Management: Strain on lungs are avoided as the correct weight is kept.
  • Exercise: Exercise is good for health if moderation is observed but very strenuous activities are to be avoided.
  • Living Environment: Cool and clean places relieve worrying breathing.
  • Medical Interventions: Appropriate interventions are implemented in a timely manner which may include surgery when warranted.

By giving the proper care as well as proper attention, the pugs can be made comfortable with respiratory disorders having less limiting. For pugs, taking charge guarantees a more comfortable and happier, not to mention longer, life.

What do you think?

Written by Dr. Huzaifa Shayan (Veterinarian/ Deep Researcher)

I am an experienced veterinary technician with a soft spot for pugs. With over a decade of experience working with small dog breeds, my articles focus on pug health, wellness, and nutrition. I love sharing practical advice to keep your pug in top shape and always happy.

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